Blueprint Local | A Real Estate Private Equity Firm

About Blueprint Local

Blueprint Local invests in real estate projects that are intended to drive attractive returns for investors and impact in communities. Blueprint Local manages Qualified Opportunity Zone funds focused on real estate investments, across both diversified multi-asset funds and special purpose vehicle funds that invest in a single asset.

We partner with local and regional sponsors and developers to identify attractive opportunities that align with our investment goals. Blueprint’s funds typically invest as non-managing investors in our real estate deals.

Blueprint has established itself as a leader in Opportunity Zone investing with strong sponsor/developer partnerships, a presence in over twenty deals in more than a dozen high-growth cities across the Southeast, Texas, and Mid-Atlantic, which deals represent over $1.5 billion in total built out project capitalization.

Our team was involved in the creation of Opportunity Zone legislation and possesses significant experience in institutional real estate investment transactions.

Blueprint Local is proud to have been named by Forbes in 2020 as one of the top ten impact-oriented managers of Opportunity Funds in the U.S., in the top 6% of most active Opportunity Zone funds nationwide by Novogradac, and as an Impact50 Top Emerging Manager by ImpactAssets.